“Whenever the dull carapace of cliché seems to swallow the world, I reach for Lucy Corin’s books and the violent magic of her storytelling. Here is a writer light years ahead of her time returning to explore the recent past of our ongoing American crises. The Swank Hotel is premonitory and grief-stricken and somehow gregarious in its lonesomeness, so generous in its weird humor and waterfalling surprises. In her capacious vision, the ‘rattlesnakes of madness’ twine through a world of starter homes and desktop screensavers, crushing debt and missing sisters, a cruel, bewildering America where the runestones of love and home can still, miraculously, make sense of us.”
The Swank Hotel
Lucy Corin is the author of the novel The Swank Hotel, as well as the story collections One Hundred Apocalypses and Other Apocalypses and The Entire Predicament, and the novel Everyday Psychokillers: A History for Girls. Her work has appeared in American Short Fiction, Conjunctions, Harper’s Magazine, Ploughshares, Bomb, Tin House Magazine, and the New American Stories anthology from Vintage Contemporaries. She is the recipient of an American Academy of Arts and Letters Rome Prize, a literature fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and a 2023 Guggenheim fellowship. She teaches at the University of California at Davis and lives in Berkeley.
Images: Jessica Eve Rattner
Lucy Corin is represented by PJ Mark at Janklow and Nesbit.
Please contact The Shipman Agency for help booking an event.